Put a bow on it. Nines Dressings was built on the idea that superb dressings can be portable.

The brand needed that same strength of simplicity in its name, identity and packaging. A classic symbol of refinement provides subtle context for the inspiration behind the company and their family of premium products.

Working closely with founder Jeff Pearlstein, I helped construct the Nines Dressings brand from scratch. To convey a premium product that would have to compete with big brand names in the market, I approached the project knowing it would have to look and feel distinctly unique. Starting with an amazing line of flavor profiles, each using all-natural ingredients with the convenience of shelf stability, was the easy part. In order to differentiate from other portable or “grab-n-go” choices on store shelves, a compact, custom package would easily set Nines Dressings apart from its neighbors.

Client: Saratoga Dressings
Agency: Stebbings Partners
Photography: Jackie Young


Nines Dressings in the kitchen
Nines Dressings stacked packaging
Chianti Italian type
Three quarter view of Dijon Vinaigrette
Stacked individual cups of Citrus Cilantro
Bowtie barcode
Nines Dressings lineup of packaging
All sides of Nines Dressings package
Zinfandel type
Bella Balsamic type
Nines Dressings cup lids
Dijon type
Citrus Cilantro type
Copywriting on Nines Dressings package

All Work

All Work

© Nelson Couto unless otherwise noted

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